
Contract Address: ($MBX) 0x144805be43c48ef85435C94E0da4Cb4Efb1ab4f3 (etherscan)

  • Name & Ticker: MetaBlox Games ($MBX)

  • Supply: 42,500,000 MBX

  • Tax: 5% Buy, 5% Sell, 0% Transfer

  • Blockchain: Ethereum (ERC-20)

  • Decimals: 18

Tokenomics Table


As we value transparency and trust, we have added many security measures on our contract to ensure misuse of permissions or actions don't happen. Taxes cannot be modified to anything higher, it can only be lowered or completely removed.

100% Locked Liquidity

To ensure sufficient liquidity at all times, MetaBlox has locked all of its initial liquidity and any future liquidity pool tokens. The LP tokens were locked using Unicrypt. You can view our lock here:

Last updated