Revenue Sharing

Current Revenue Sharing Model (Airdrop Mechanism)

At present, MetaBlox Games utilizes an airdrop mechanism to distribute revenue to its token holders. This model ensures that each holder receives a proportion of the monthly revenue based on the number of tokens they possess. The more tokens a user holds, the larger their share of the revenue pool. This mechanism allows for a straightforward and automated way to reward all token holders, providing them with consistent returns without requiring any additional actions. By distributing revenue directly, MetaBlox builds a strong relationship with its community, encouraging users to increase their holdings and become more involved in the project's success.

Future Revenue Sharing Model (Staking Mechanism)

In the future, MetaBlox will transition to a staking model to distribute rewards more strategically. This new approach will prioritize holders who demonstrate long-term commitment by staking their tokens. Those who have staked for longer durations will receive a larger share of the rewards pool, creating a system that incentivizes loyalty and long-term participation. This shift not only rewards the most dedicated members of the community but also helps stabilize token value by encouraging holders to lock in their tokens for extended periods. With this staking model, MetaBlox aims to create a more robust and committed ecosystem that benefits both the project and its long-term supporters.

Last updated