Tokenomics & Distribution

Below is a table of our current token distribution

Initial Liquidity Pool

80% of the total supply was added to the Uniswap V2 liquidity pool for initial purchase. More liquidity will be added in increments to ensure stable growth.

Marketing & Development

With the current 5% of the supply In the wallet there are plans to distribute these tokens to people who can help bring exposure to our project, we will always refrain from having this as our first choice as we have a marketing budget allocated from taxes.

Why did we burn 15% of the supply?

We burned 15% of the supply as a symbol of trust and transparency, not only that but to ensure further decentralization, and equality. Our intentions from the beginning were to prevent influencers from controlling a majority of the supply. Our team never had any vision of using the original 5% of the supply that was allocated to us, therefore we decided to send them to the burn address as well.


  • 5% Buy/Sell Tax (A portion of Taxes will go towards Operations & Continuity, marketing & outreach, game development & Expansion & Developer Expenses.)

  • 0% Transfer Tax

Last updated